Onboarding Signup - Workshop 2 - Manual.to

Schedule Your Next Step: Choose a Date for Your Second Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

How many dates can I select?

Confirm your attendance for one of the workshop dates. This way we know how many attendees to expect and when to close off the registration for that workshop.

Start with the first and register for the next one after each workshop.

Who should attend these workshops?

These workshops are general onboarding workshops. We advise the person who will lead the manual.to project to be there, along with the team leads.

How many workshops are there?

The online onboarding process is divided into three workshops. Go through each of the workshops in the correct order, from one to three.
Extra, specialised workshops can be organised upon request – for more information, contact us at support@manual.to.

What is the recommended time between each workshop?

We recommend one to two weeks between each workshop.
We notice that if there is a period of 3 weeks or over between each workshop, there is a higher chance of information and tips to be forgotten, and less ideal habits can be installed.

When will I get access to the platform?

Each attendee will be granted access on the day of the first workshop, or just after. We organise it this way to keep your platform as clean as possible until you have received all there is to know to get started in the most efficient way.

In which language will the workshops be held?

The language for the workshop will be determined on the first subscriber for the session. As soon as a language is chosen, the language will be displayed next to the session’s date.