Operational Excellence with Digital Work Instructions

Sofa Sessions with Maxime Steenbrugge: Operational Excellence with Digital Work Instructions

1. What is Happening in the Market

Learn how modern digital work instructions are contributing to operational excellence and productivity in fast-changing workplaces.

2. The Power of Best-of-Breed Platforms

Learn how best-of-breed solutions drive measurable results with the right KPIs for operational success.

3. Your Roadmap to Operational Excellence

Explore a step-by-step guide to the three stages of implementing digital work instructions for maximum impact.

4. Creating Instructions That Work

See how streamlined content creation empowers your team to achieve operational efficiency.

5. Solving Tool and Connectivity Gaps

How to ensure easy access to digital tools despite resource and connectivity limitations.

6. Driving User Adoption Made Easy

Uncover strategies to engage employees and foster long-term adoption of digital tools.

7. Knowledge in 10 Seconds

Learn how quick and easy access to work instructions boosts efficiency on the shop floor.

8. Operational Excellence in Action

Get inspired by a real-world story of how digital tools transformed one company's operations.

9. Your Next Steps to Excellence

Summarize the journey and discover how to get started within your organization.