Bekaert Deslee: Innovating Mattress Textiles Globally -
case study

Bekaert Deslee: Innovating Mattress Textiles Globally

Bekaert Deslee is the global leader in innovative mattress textiles and components. They retain this position by focusing on supporting their artisan workers, as much as they invest in cutting edge technology. Specializing in high-quality mattress fabrics and covers for customers like IKEA, they combine advanced textile technology with creative design to enhance the comfort, durability, and appeal of bedding products. Their expertise has made them a key supplier to mattress manufacturers worldwide.

Challenges: Streamlining Operations Globally

Bekaert Deslee faced several challenges in their global operations:

  1. Lack of Standardization: With over 20 branches worldwide, each with its unique methods of working, it was hard to standardize processes across the company. This led to inconsistency in processes and quality.
  2. Adapting to Industry 4.0: The need to stay ahead in the fast moving industrial environment is crucial. By going to Industry 4.0 Bekaert Deslee would be ready to quickly adapt and modernize their processes, thus staying ahead of their competitors.
  3. Language Diversity Among Employees: With over 4000 employees globally, from all continents, a multitude of languages are spoken within the company, complicating communication and training processes.

Joint Strategy with BekaertDeslee

To tackle these issues, Bekaert Deslee developed a forward-thinking strategy:

  1. Standardization and Sharing: Bekaert Deslee works on continuously improving and standardizing methods, using, during internal team calls, setting up an extensive workflow for sharing and validating instructions across the company’s many locations. This ensures consistency in processes and across plants.
  2. Collaborative Creation: Together, and Bekaert Deslee support the teams in creating and continuously improving their work instructions, ensuring they are up-to-date and reflective of their best practices. The solution is designed to allow Bekaert Deslee to be able to keep their processes up-to-date and share any changes throughout the company instantly.
  3. Instant Translation: To overcome global language barriers, gives Bekaert Deslee the ability to not only provide over 100 languages in machine translation, but also the ability to have specific languages validated or supplied by translators, making the instructions accessible and understandable to all employees across the world.

What Bekaert Deslee’s saw

Increase in training standardization across global operations
Reduction in translation expenses
Error rate reduction
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" is a solution that our employees love to use. This way we create consistent ways of working worldwide."

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